Three ways to partner with us

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1. Pray.

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Our goal is to cover our new church in 1000 hours of prayer before we even open the doors. We can’t do this alone. Let us know each time you pray for us, our team, or our new church!



Ultimately, the vision God has given us is one that only He can pull off. So we are faithfully running to Him in prayer throughout this entire process and we want to invite you to join us. Please sign up for our newsletters for regular updates on what’s happening and specific prayer requests.

2. Give.


We know God can richly provide for every need and we are thankful that he gives us an opportunity to participate. For a detailed look at the estimated cost, please click here.

Mail a check to Local Church

154 Hewlett Ave., Patchogue, NY 11772

Please make the check out to Local Church

3. Join.

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If you’ve ever been impacted by the local church, you are the direct result of the effort, hardwork, and vision of a group of people who sacrificed, prayed, donated money, moved, and dedicated their lives to start that church. You have the opportunity to do the same for someone else. Will you?

What People Are Saying about Michael & Emily

Michael and Emily have been used by God tremendously throughout the last 5 years. They have helped me to walk through more than I ever could have alone. They opened their homes and their lives up to me when I was living my worst life. They helped me walk through getting clean from drugs, helped me to graduate high school, helped me discover my leadership potential, helped me to get to and through Bible college and they are really one of the most consistent and stable things in my life, as they are anchored in God and are always seeking to live/Glorify him. I’d most likely be dead if it were not for my brother and sister and if they were in it for the money I’d owe them a great debt, good thing they are only in it to further the kingdom of our great God!

— Adam L. // Michael’s Brother

I can absolutely see Michael and Emily planting and pastoring a church. In fact, I would encourage them to do exactly this. I have known them to always achieve anything that they have set out to do, when they are following their hearts. I know this goal is something that they hold deep in their hearts and nothing would make me happier than seeing it come to fruition. I believe any community would benefit greatly by having a church that was built on their faith and leadership. I certainly have benefitted from this in my own life, and I would be happy to see them affect the lives of many others in the same way. I look forward to helping them in this process in any way that I can.

— Daniel R. // Emily’s Brother

Absolutely I can see the two of you planting and leading a church successfully. Why, because you each have a passion for the Lord and for leading others to know Him and you have demonstrated practical and purposeful discipleship both in and outside the walls of our church. I have known very few that have the dedication and laser focus to carry out what has been impressed upon their heart. Not to mention your love for sharing the Gospel and continually thinking of ways to get it to others! I believe you will be hugely successful in all God calls you to do.

— Cliff S. // Senior Pastor-Calvary Lake Ozark