The Launch Team

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We’re honored!

For real. We’re honored that you would consider being a part of the team that launches this brand new church on Long Island, New York! Since we’re in the very beginning stages of this thing, we’re going to ask you to be patient with us. At the bottom of this page there’s a form that we would love for you to fill out so that we can be praying specifically for you. When it’s time, you’ll hear from us about your next steps.

What is the Launch Team?


The launch team consists of those who initially make up the start of our church plant. They are fully committed to the mission, vision, beliefs, and values, as well as willing to leave behind cities, homes, and comforts to be a part of this vision. They are not, and might never be, staff members, but it is certainly a possibility, especially as the church begins to grow.

In order to qualify as a launch team member, you must be willing to undergo extensive leadership and vision training and ultimately demonstrate your knowledge before the launch. Each launch team member will be tasked with many responsibilities including, but not limited to, Life Group Leadership, operations, marketing, manual labor, etc.

Ultimately, the launch team will be the backbone of the church plant launch and will have the privilege of being the first integrators of our vision and culture. Because, together—from your first day as a launch team member—our mission is to inspire people to follow Jesus by being a church that unchurched people love.

Sign up for the
Launch Team here!

This doesn’t mean you’re locked in. It’s simply a way for you to let us know that you’re interested and for us to be praying specifically for you. And we’re going to ask that you be praying specifically about your role in this church plant as well.